Magnetically enhanced reactive ion etching of silicon in bromine plasmas

Reactive ion etching of single‐crystal and polycrystallinesilicon in bromine has been studied at 2‐mTorr pressure in a magnetically enhanced reactor. Effective voltage thresholds for silicon and thermal SiO2etching are observed at −50‐ and −175‐V cathode bias, respectively. The selectivity of silicon with respect to SiO2 exhibits a sharp peak between these thresholds, attaining, at −100 V, a value of 225 for p‐type and lightly dopedn‐type material. The corresponding etch rate is 65 nm/min. The etch rate doubles for n +‐polysilicon and the peak selectivity is 450. Etching is anisotropic over the entire doping range. Application of the −100‐V process to high‐resolution trench and polysilicon gate fabrication is discussed.

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