Almost sure stability of maxima

For random variables {Xn, n≧ 1} unbounded above setMn= max {X1,X2, …,Xn}. When do normalizing constantsbnexist such thatMn/bn1 a.s.; i.e., when is {Mn} a.s. stable? If {Xn} is i.i.d. then {Mn} is a.s. stable iff for alland in this casebnF1(1 – 1/n) Necessary and sufficient conditions for lim supn→∞,Mn/bn= l >1 a.s. are given and this is shown to be insufficient in general for lim infn→∞Mn/bn= 1 a.s. except whenl= 1. When theXnare r.v.'s defined on a finite Markov chain, one shows by means of an analogue of the Borel Zero-One Law and properties of semi-Markov matrices that the stability problem for this case can be reduced to the i.i.d. case.

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