It is suggested that the tonsils are not necessarily the prime cause of recurrent sore throats. There are 2 main clinical types of sore throat: childhood and adult. The adenoids are not necessarily the cause of impaired nasal airway. Intermittent nasal obstruction may be due to allergy and not the adenoids. The lateral x-ray of the post nasal space (with the mouth closed) is a most useful method of assessing the size and shape of the adenoids, the airway and any enlargement of the posterior ends of the inferior turbinates. Adenoidectomy, unless it relieves nasal obstruction, has little or no influence on ear disease. The importance of normal nasal airway and functioning palate is stressed. In considering indications for removal, the infective, lymphoid, allergic, nasal and mucus cycles, and the functions of the palate, tonsils and adenoids must be considered. The immediate and long term complications are discussed.