Stimulation of the Hippocampus and Medial Cortical Areas in Unanesthetized Cats

The results of stimulation of the hippocampus and of medial cortical areas through implanted electrodes in unrestrained, freely moving cats are reported. Very similar and constant behavior changes were produced from the hippocampus, the medial prefrontal region, and the cortex of the limbic and hippocampal gyri. During the stimulation the animals performed quick glancing or searching movements to the contralateral side, the facial expression changed to "attention" associated with some surprise, bewilderment and anxiety. The reaction to external stimuli was decreased, the animals attention being intensely fixed on "something" in the environment which they seemed to experience. Some cats showed signs of fear, anger, and fury. The nature of this outward manifestation of behavior change and the neuronal mechanisms involved in the response are discussed.