Immunocytochemistry of paraneurons in the female urethra of the horse, cattle, sheep, and pig

The aim of this study is to describe the presence of neuroendocrine (NE) cells (paraneurons), producing biogenic amines and/or peptidergic hormones, in the female urethra of cattle, sheep, pigs, and horses, by means of histochemical and double labeling immunofluorescent techniques. 5‐Hydroxytryptamine‐, chromogranin A‐, cholecystokinin‐ and somatostatin‐containing NE cells are present in the urethral epithelium of all the species studied, with the unique exception of the lack of somatostatin cells in the horse. Paraneurons containing 5‐hydroxytryptamine colocalized with chromogranin A or cholecytokinin were also found in all subjects. Such active substances are hypothesized to play a role in the contraction of the urethral musculature, emission of urogenital fluids, and inhibition of endocrine and exocrine secretions.