Blood lymphocyte subpopulations in Mycosis fungoides and their functions in vitro

T-lymphocyte subpopulations, PWM stimulated in vitro Ig production by mononuclear cells, and spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity (SCMC) were determined in patients with Mycosis fungoides (MF) as well as in sex- and age-matched normal controls. We were able to confirm our earlier findings of a significantly higher frequency of T-lymphocytes with Fc-receptors for IgG (Tg cells) and a proportion of T lymphocytes with Fe receptors for IgM (Tm cells) not significantly differing from normal controls. As defined by monoclonal antibodies, the proportion of T-helper cells (Leu3A) was significantly lower, whereas the T-suppressors cells (Leu2A) were in the range of normal controls. The PWM stimulated and spontaneous Ig synthesis in vitro was lower in MF patients whereas there was no difference in the SCMC activity, in comparison with normal controls. The lower frequency of T-helper cells in the peripheral blood may be explained by their migration to the skin.