Quantum theory for superradiance

In order to study the cooperative emission of radiation from an extended system of N two-level atoms, we use the master-equation approach within the Born and Markov approximations. All the properties of the emission of radiation can be deduced from the diagonalization of the coupling matrix Γ, where an element Γjk gives the coupling between the atoms labeled j and k via the electromagnetic field. We choose a pencil-shaped volume and study analytically the coupling matrix in the limit for small and large Fresnel numbers. For Fresnel numbers of order unity numerical methods are used. Thus we prove that, for the pencil-shaped geometry, any elaborated model must take into account the interaction of the atoms with the infinity of electromagnetic field modes lying inside two small solid angles about the axis of the largest linear dimension, which we label the z axis. In other words, the intensity of radiation emitted by any atom of the system depends on its position with respect to the others and this "propagation effect" cannot be neglected when interpreting superradiance experiments. For small Fresnel numbers the z dependence predominates, in the opposite case the (x, y) dependence does, while for Fresnel numbers of order unity the dependence of all three components must be taken into account. Preliminary calculations are given for which only the z dependence is considered; for Fresnel numbers of magnitude of order unity or smaller, the effect of propagation along the z axis displays large delays for the appearance of superradiance with respect to the time at which the superradiant pulse is maximum when the "propagation effects" are neglected (one-mode model).