Effect of hydroxychlorodiphenyl ethers (chlorinated pre‐and isopredioxins) on erythrocyte membrane adenosinetriphosphatase activity

The effect of hydroxychlorodiphenyl ethers (HO‐Clx‐DPEs; chlorinated pre‐ and isopredibenzodioxins), contaminants of technical chlorophenol preparations, on human erythrocyte membrane‐bound adenosinetriphosphatases (A TPases) has been investigated. Both 2‐ and 3‐HO‐Cl9‐DPE inhibited the Na++K+‐activated, Mg2+‐dependent ATPase (Na+,K+,Mg2+‐ATPase). The Mg2+‐dependent ATPase (Mg2+‐ATPase) was stimulated at lower concentrations of these compounds, but at higher concentrations there was a gradual decrease in the extent of stimulation. 2‐Hydroxy‐2’,4,4 ‐trlchlorodiphenyl ether (2‐H0‐Cl3‐DPE; Irgasan DP‐300; Triclosan) was not as effective as the nonachloro compounds at inhibiting Na+, K+, Mg2+‐A TPase and was inactive at stimulating Mg2+‐A TPase. Pure pentachlorophenol (PCP) caused both inhibition of Na+,K+,Mg2+‐ATPase and stimulation of Mg‐ATPase, although each effect required a higher concentration of PCP than was needed for the HO‐Cl9‐DPEs. The possible relationship of the effects of HO‐Clx‐DPEs on human erythrocyte membrane A TPase activities to the potent hemolytic activity of these compounds is discussed.