To understand factors that influence the mammography experience and intention to receive mammography among Korean women using the Health Belief Model and subjective norm of the Theory of Reasoned Action. Cross-sectional. Two university hospitals and one general hospital in Korea. A convenience sample of 310 women aged 30 years and older who visited participating hospitals during the data collection period. Self-administered questionnaire. Perceived susceptibility and severity, perceived benefits and barriers, self-efficacy, normative beliefs, and motivation to comply. Age, self-efficacy, and perceived susceptibility were significantly associated with participants' mammography experience, whereas knowledge, self-efficacy, perceived susceptibility, perceived barriers, subjective norm, and income were significant in predicting women's intention to receive mammography. The combined model synthesizing the Health Belief Model and the Theory of Reasoned Action was more effective in predicting mammography intention than in explaining mammography experience. Tailored health education and health promotion programs to promote mammography screening among Korean women should be developed based on women's perceptions and norms.