For N spins, σi=±1, i{1,2,,N}, interacting via nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic Ising interaction Jσiσj on a Cayley tree with branching number B, it is shown that any even-spin correlation function σi1σi2σi2K decomposes into a product σj1σj2σj2K1σj2K of two-spin correlation functions σjpσjp+1=[tanh(JkBT)]d(jp, jp+1), where d(jp, jp+1) is the number of bonds on the unique self-avoiding path connecting σjp and σjp+1. This generalizes to B>1 the known decomposition for an Ising chain (a Cayley tree having B=1). The decomposition theorem leads to upper and lower bounds for the zero-field susceptibility, and these bounds become infinite for temperatures TT2 and are finite for T>T2 where Btanh2(JkBT2)=1. An upper bound is also given for the fourth cumulant of the magnetization. That bound becomes (negatively) infinite for T<T4 where B3tanh4(JkBT4)=1. The above exact considerations are consistent with recent results of other authors and provide elementary insight regarding the cumulant divergences and long-range correlation of subsets of surface spins.