Measurement of thev2infra-red band of silane, and a simultaneous analysis of thev2andv4bands

The infra-red spectrum of silane has been recorded with a resolution of about 0·06 cm-1 between 950 and 1076 cm-1. This region contains most of the stronger v 2 transitions and the upper part of the v 4 R branch. The v 2 spectrum has been assigned up to J′ = 20, and the assignment given previously for v 4 has also been extended to this value of J. The data for both bands have been analysed by a simultaneous diagonalization of the effective hamiltonians for the v 2=1 and v 4=1 states coupled by the Bζ2,4 Coriolis interaction term. This model is successful in reproducing the observations; 645 assigned transitions are fitted with a standard deviation of 0·017 cm-1, and the calculated intensities are in good agreement with experiment. The assignment of the laser-RF double-resonance transitions observed by Kreiner and Oka is discussed.