A brief review of past taxonomic assessments of the allopatric gray‐cheeked mangabey (Cercocebus albigena) and the black mangabey (Cercocebus aterrimus) is presented. On the basis of pelage, cranial, and biomolecular morphology, aterrimus and albigena have been lumped together in the same species‐group, superspecies, subgenus, or species by various systematists over the years. A comparison of the available socioecological data on the two forms supports their close taxonomic association, as they are found to be very similar in socioecological traits. After a brief review of current species concepts, the author, on the basis of the socioecological commonalities, tentatively supports Groves' [1978] conspecific designation of albigena and aterrimus and suggests further tests for this proposal and for the species concept, from the points of view of both taxonomic and evolutionary theory.