Restoration of gamma camera-based nuclear medicine images

Experiments were conducted using a Siemens Rota camera to study the applicability of two linear shift-invariant (LSI) filters, namely, the Wiener and power spectrum equalization filters, for restoration of planar projections and single-photon-emission computed tomography (SPECT) images. In the restoration scheme, the system transfer function, computed from a line source image, is modeled by a 2-D Gaussian function. The noise power spectrum is modeled as a constant for planar images and as a ramp for SPECT images. The filters have been applied to restore computer-simulated 1-D and 2-D projections and SPECT images of two simple phantoms, 2-D projections of two phantoms obtained from the Siemens Rota camera, and SPECT images of a cardiac phantom obtained from the Siemens Rota camera. The filters are shown to perform partial restoration. Considerable noise suppression and detail enhancement have been observed in the restored images. quantitative measurements such as root-mean-squared error and contrast ratio have been used for objective analysis of the results, which are encouraging.