Secular changes in the stature, weight, and age at maximum growth increments of urban Chinese girls from the 1950s to 1985

This study focuses on changes in the stature, weight, and age at maximum increments in Chinese urban girls 7–17 years of age between the 1950s and 1985. The data come from anthropometric surbeys in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1985 in 17 Chinese cities. An overall increasing trend is apparent for stature and weight. The average increments are 1.91 cm and 0.57 kg per decade for 7 year olds, 3.43 cm per decade for 11 year olds, 2.11 kg per decade for 13 year olds, and 1.27 cm and 0.73 kg per decade for 17 year olds. Girls in 1985 attained peak growth earlier, by 1.08 years or 0.04 year/decade, than girls in the generation 30 years earlier. Specific comprisons of changes in body size and age at maximum increments during 1950–1960, 1960–1970, and 1970–1985 are also reported, and the results are compared with those of other countries or groups.