Asymmetric cytosine deamination revealed by spontaneous mutational specificity in an Ung− strain of Escherichia coli

A collection of 164 spontaneous lacI mutations were recovered from a uracil-DNA glycosylase deficient (Ung) strain of Escherichia coli and analyzed by DNA sequencing. As predicted by genetic studies, G:C→A:T transitions predominated among base substitution events. However, DNA sequence analysis indicated that these events did not occur at random. Of the 31 G:C→A:T transitions recovered, 24 involved cytosine residues located in the nontranscribed strand of the gene and 15 of the 31 transitions occurred at cytosines located on the 3′ side of 3 or more A:T base pairs. These differentials likely reflect the more single-stranded character of the non-transcribed strand of the gene and of regions rich in A:T base pairs. In addition, mutation at the frameshift hotspot was altered in the Ung strain, suggesting a role for DNA repair in the formation of structural intermediates that potentiate these events. Also, the analysis of non-hotspot frameshifts, deletions and duplication showed that many involved local DNA sequence. Specifically, several of the frameshift, deletion and duplication mutations occurred near the sequence 5′-CTGG-3′. Thus, DNA sequence analysis of mutational specificity in an Ung strain has provided evidence that gene expression, DNA repair and DNA context can all potentially influence the classes and frequencies of spontaneous mutation.