Radio Emission and Particle Acceleration in SN 1993J

The radio light curves of SN 1993J are found to be well fit by a synchrotron spectrum, suppressed by external free-free absorption and synchrotron self-absorption. A standard r^-2 circumstellar medium is assumed, and found to be adequate. The magnetic field and number density of relativistic electrons behind the shock are determined. The strength of the magnetic field argues strongly for turbulent amplification behind the shock. The ratio of the magnetic and thermal energy density behind the shock is ~0.14. Synchrotron and Coulomb cooling dominate the losses of the electrons. The injected electron spectrum has a power law index -2.1, consistent with diffusive shock acceleration, and the number density scales with the thermal electron energy density. The total energy density of the relativistic electrons is, if extrapolated to gamma ~ 1, ~ 5x10^-4 of the thermal energy density. The free-free absorption required is consistent with previous calculations of the circumstellar temperature of SN 1993J, T_e ~ (2-10)x10^5 K. The relative importance of free-free absorption, Razin suppression, and the synchrotron self-absorption effect for other supernovae are briefly discussed. Guidelines for the modeling and interpretation of VLBI observations are given.

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