Consequences of the local commutation relations of vector and axial currents proposed by Gell-Mann are explored: (1) A recipe for detecting and isolating Schwinger terms in the commutators, proportional to derivatives of the δ function, is discussed. (2) Under assumptions of smooth asymptotic behavior of form factors for forward scattering of the isovector current from a proton, we show that the U(3)U(3) algebra for the time components of the currents implies the U(6)U(6) algebra for space components, at least for spin-averaged diagonal single-particle states. (3) The derivation of the Adler-Weisberger formula for GAGV is sharpened by giving arguments that, at fixed energy, the forward πp Green's function satisfies an unsubtracted dispersion relation in the pion mass. (4) A lower bound for inelastic electron-nucleon scattering at high momentum transfer is derived on the basis of U(6)U(6). (5) The contribution of very virtual photons to the hyperfine anomaly in hydrogen is shown to be related to an equal-time commutator of currents; this contribution is crudely estimated to be <4 parts per million (ppm). (6) The logarithmically divergent part of electromagnetic mass differences of hadrons is shown to be proportional to matrix elements of the equal-time commutator of the electromagnetic current with its time derivative. It is suggested that this "divergent" part be identified with the Coleman-Glashow "tadpoles"; this suggestion is discussed in the framework of a simple quark model. (7) The logarithmically divergent part of the electromagnetic correction to the process ππ0+e+ν¯ is, on the basis of the U(6)U(6) current algebra, shown to be nonvanishing, and is computed. (8) A speculative argument is presented that the rate e++ehadrons is comparable to the rate e++eμ++μ in the limit of large energies.