Selective effects of the genetic background and ethanol on the alcohol dehydrogenase polymorphism in Drosophila melanogaster

Eight freshly caught Australasian mass collections ranging in Adh F frequency from 4 to 96 per cent were each divided into eight selection lines. Two selection lines from each base population were put on one of four types of medium-standard food supplemented with 0 per cent, 3 per cent, 6 per cent or 9 per cent ethanol. After 30 generations the tolerance of 6 per cent and 9 per cent selection lines on a test dose of 9 per cent ethanol was greater than that of the 0 per cent lines on this dose. The tolerance of the 3 per cent lines on this dose was less than that of the 0 per cent lines. There were no significant differences in the tolerance responses across the eight base populations but in only one did Adh frequencies diverge among the four ethanol selection environments: F frequencies in the Brisbane 9 per cent lines were higher than in the Brisbane 0 per cent, 3 per cent and 6 per cent lines. Although the selection affecting Adh did not generally differ among the four selection environments, it differed highly significantly among the eight base populations. The equilibrium F frequencies predicted from the maximum likelihood estimates of the selection coefficients were in close agreement with the frequencies observed in the original collections. The only aspect of the coefficients which was consistent across base populations was FS heterozygote superiority.