Measurement of theΛMagnetic Moment

The magnetic moment of the Λ hyperon has been measured at the Brookhaven cosmotron. Polarized Λ hyperons were produced by (1.02 ± 0.015)-GeV/c π+ mesons incident on a Be target in the reaction π++nK++Λ. After passing through a strong pulsed longitudinal magnetic field, the Λ decay and the K+ were observed in parallel-plate spark chambers in which the decay proton and/or the decay π could stop to facilitate momentum measurement. The spark chamber was triggered by an electronic counter system where the K+ mesons were identified by velocity, specific ionization, and decay. The precession of the Λ polarization was detected by observing the rotation of its asymmetric decay distribution projected onto a plane perpendicular to the Λ trajectory. Measurement of the direction and magnitude of the angle of rotation about the magnetic field direction gave the moment and its sign. Based on 3868 field-on events with an average value of the ratio H·d1pΛ of about 800 kG cm / (GeV/c), the magnetic moment of the Λ hyperon was found to be -0.73 ± 0.18 nuclear magneton.