A novel homozygous MMP2 mutation in a family with Winchester syndrome

The 2001 International Classification of Constitutional Disorders of Bone has included in the group of multicentric hands and feet osteolysis syndromes three autosomal recessive inherited disorders: Winchester, Torg and nodulosis–arthropathy–osteolysis (NAO) syndromes. Nosographic delineations of these rare syndromes are difficult to define, and there is no consensus. In 2001, two mutations in the matrix metalloproteinase 2 gene (MMP2) have been identified in two families with a NAO phenotype. In a recent study, a homozygous MMP2 mutation has also been identified in a patient presenting with Winchester syndrome. We report the clinical evolution of two sisters with a Winchester phenotype. Clinical review over 23 years provides information on the general evolution of osteolysis and points to an intrafamilial variation with clinical and radiological changes during the patients' life. In both sisters, we identified a new homozygous mutation in the catalytic domain of the MMP2 gene. Our study results are consistent with the involvement of MMP2 in Winchester syndrome and with the hypothesis that Winchester and NAO syndromes are allelic disorders that form a continuous clinical spectrum. At last, our observation emphasizes the interest of molecular analysis in genetic counselling of this consanguineous family.