Symmetry-Controlled Colloidal Nanocrystals: Nonhydrolytic Chemical Synthesis and Shape Determining Parameters

Since inorganic nanocrystals exhibit unique shape-dependent nanoscale properties and can be utilized as basic building blocks for futuristic nanodevices, a systematic study on the shape control of these nanocrystals remains an important subject in materials and physical chemistry. In this feature article, we overview the recent progress on the synthetic development of symmetry-controlled colloidal nanocrystals of semiconductor and metal oxide, which are prepared through nonhydrolytic chemical routes. We describe their shape-guiding processes and illustrate the detailed key factors controlling their growth by examining various case studies of zero-dimensional spheres and cubes, one-dimensional rods, and quasi multidimensional structures such as disks, multipods, and stars. Specifically, the crystalline phase of nucleating seeds, surface energy, kinetic vs thermodynamic growth, and selective adhesion processes of capping ligands are found to be most crucial for the determination of the nanocrystal shape.