HCG Stimulation in Children With Cryptorchidism

Fifty-eight children with cryptorchidism have been given hCG stimulation testing, 31 with bilateral cryptorchidism, 22 with unilateral, and 5 with prior unsuccessful orchiopexy. Hormonal studies were carried out prior to and following stimulation. In bilateral cryptorchidism, bilateral descent was observed in 32 percent of cases and in unilateral, the success rate was 55 percent. From their data, the authors concluded that hCG is not indicated if patients present elevated LH and FSH levels or if the basal T levels are in the pubertal range. In the other subjects, the hCG test will permit the determination of the presence or absence of testosterone production and in some cases it results in testicular descent. Finally, in cases of failure that require surgery, the hCG will stimulate tissue growth enhancing the success of orchiopexy.