Cross-Section Measurements for the Nucleon-Transfer ReactionsB10(F19,F18)B11andB10(F19,O18)C11

Thick targets of B10 were bombarded with bombarded with F19 ions accelerated in the Oak Ridge tandem Van de Graaff, and cross sections were measured for the nucleon-transfer reactions B10(F19,F18)B11 and B10(F19,O18)C11 from 10.5 to 26.5 MeV. The amount of F18 and C11 present in each irradiated sample was determined by the detection of the 110- and 20.5-min positron activities, respectively, characteristic of the two nuclides. It was found that the cross section for the neutron-transfer reaction was ∼2.5 times greater than that of the proton-transfer reaction. This is in contrast to results obtained previously for similar transfer reactions induced by N14 ions on B10 and N14 targets. Reaction cross sections for the incident N14 to transfer a nucleon to the target nuclei B10 and N14 have been measured, and are approximately independent of whether a neutron or a proton is transferred. Previously published data for the reactions N14(N14,N13)N15, B10(N14,N13)B11, and N14(F19,F18)N15, were examined together with the data for the B10(F19,F18)B11 reaction. By applying the tunneling theory of Breit et al. to these results, two values (one for each target nucleus) were extracted for the ratio of the reduced width of the transferred neutron in F19 to that in N14. Both ratios were found to be ∼3.7. The internal consistency lends encouragement to this method of reduced-width extraction. Graphite disks were bombarded with F19 ions, and the yield of F18 from F19 on carbon in the energy range investigated was found to be neglegible when compared with that measured for B10 targets. Excitation functions were also measured for the compound-nucleus reactions B10(F19, αp)Na24, C12(F19, 2p)Al29, and C13(F19, 2α)Na24.