Potassium-Coupled Chloride Cotransport Controls Intracellular Chloride in Rat Neocortical Pyramidal Neurons

Chloride (Cl) homeostasis is critical for many cell functions including cell signaling and volume regulation. The action of GABA at GABAAreceptors is primarily determined by the concentration of intracellular Cl. Developmental regulation of intracellular Clresults in a depolarizing response to GABA in immature neocortical neurons and a hyperpolarizing or shunting response in mature neocortical neurons. One protein that participates in Clhomeostasis is the neuron-specific K+–Clcotransporter (KCC2). Thermodynamic considerations predict that in the physiological ranges of intracellular Cland extracellular K+concentrations, KCC2 can act to either extrude or accumulate Cl. To test this hypothesis, we examined KCC2 function in pyramidal cells from rat neocortical slices in mature (18–28 d postnatal) and immature (3–6 d postnatal) rats. Intracellular Clconcentration was estimated from the reversal potential of whole-cell currents evoked by local application of exogenous GABA. Both increasing and decreasing the extracellular K+concentration resulted in a concomitant change in intracellular Clconcentration in neurons from mature rats. KCC2 inhibition by furosemide caused a change in the intracellular Clconcentration that depended on the concentration of pipette Cl; in recordings with low pipette Cl, furosemide lowered intracellular Cl, whereas in recordings with elevated pipette Cl, furosemide raised intracellular Cl. In neurons from neonatal rats, manipulation of extracellular K+had no effect on intracellular Clconcentration, consistent with the minimal KCC2 mRNA levels observed in neocortical neurons from immature animals. These data demonstrate a physiologically relevant and developmentally regulated role for KCC2 in Clhomeostasis via both Clextrusion and accumulation.