Comparative Enzyme Patterns in Cryptococcus laurentii and Its Taxonomic Varieties

C. laurentii and its varieties C. laurentii var. flavescens and C. laurentii var. magnus were compared using starch gel electrophoresis of 6 different enzymes. Enzyme patterns of sexually reactive C. laurentii cultures differed from nonmating strains and from the varieties magnus and flavescens. The variety magnus was composed of 2 distinct taxa. On the basis of these and other data, 2 new species [C. magnus comb. nov. (C. laurentii Kuff. Skinner var. magnus) and C. heveanensis comb. nov. (Torula heveanensis Groenewege)] were proposed. C. laurentii was compared with Tremella aurantia and T. encephala.

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