Augmentation of NK activity and/or macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity in the liver by biological response modifiers including human recombinant interleukin 2

Summary Administration of several biological response modifiers (BRMs) to mice strongly augmented natural killer (NK) activity of leukocytes isolated from the liver. This augmentation of NK activity was induced by two synthetic molecules (MVE-2 and poly ICLC), by two BRMs of bacterial origin (formalin-fixed Propionibacterium acnes: P. acnes and a streptococcal cell wall preparation designated OK-432), as well as a single injection of human recombinant interleukin-2 (hrIL 2). All of these BRMs augmented NK activity in the liver to a greater degree than in the spleen. In addition, adherent leukocytes (>90% macrophages) isolated from the liver following P. acnes administration also exhibited augmented macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity. This cytotoxicity was characterized as macrophage mediated and distinguished from NK activity, on the basis of adherence purification, kinetics of cytotoxicity, and target cell selectivity. The results demonstrate that a variety of BRMs induce augmented natural immunity in the liver and suggest that such organ-associated immune responses may play an important role in the antimetastatic effects of BRMs.