Studies on metals in meningiomas by atomic absorption spectrometry

The content of Cr, Mn, Cu, Mg, Ca, Zn, and Fe has been determined by atomic absorption spectrometry in 30 meningiomas and in Pacchionian granulations. The elements Cr, Mn, and Cu show no distinct relation to different tumor types. The broad spectrum of data for Fe is considered to be due to a different blood volume or microbleedings in the meningiomas clinically irrelevant in nature. The Ca-values correspond with the microscopic calcifications. An obvious coincidence exists partly between the high Ca- and Mg-values, in some tumors concentrations of Mg are partly higher than the concentrations of Ca. The latter finding is in concordance with tumors without microscopic calcifications. It is assumed that the inhibitory potency of Mg against mineralization reflects the metabolic antagonism between Ca and Mg. The highest values for Zn are seen in fibromatous meningiomas. This finding possibly corresponds with the function of Zn as co-enzyme in the synthesis of proteins in this copiously reticulin- and collagen-producing type of meningioma.