Simulation of frequency dependence of compliance and resistance in healthy man

The frequency dependence of effective compliance, Ceff, and resistance, Reff, are reproduced by means of a two- or four-compartment linear mathematical model with pleural pressure as a sinusoidal input. The model simulates the mechanical properties of lung parenchyma, alveolar gas, bronchial wall, and cheeks, as well as the distribution of gaseous resistances and inertances within the airways. Values, representative for a young healthy adult, are assigned to these various parametersmit appears from this study: 1) that the gas inertance produces a very marked increase of Ceff, noticeable already below 1 cycle/smto obtain a frequency independence of Ceff between 0 and 2 cycles/s, it is necessary to introduce a marked inhomogeneity in the model. 2) Such an inhomogeneity is realized by simulating a pleural pressure difference of 6 cmH2O between the compartments of the bialveolar model. It can be shown that this corresponds to a total pleural pressure difference of about 9 cmH2O in a model consisting of an infinite number of compartments. 3) The influence of the compressibility of alveolar gas and of mechanical properties of the bronchial wall and of the cheeks on Ceff and Reff is small or negligible.

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