Bioassay of Baltimore Harbor Sediments

Baltimore Harbor, a tributary area of the northern Chesapeake Bay, has recelved and is receiving large quantities of chemical pollutants. As part of a cooperative study to explore possible corrective treatment for existing pollution burdens, gross bioassay analyses were performed for sediments from nine representative stations, employing two species of fish, mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus) and spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), and one mollusc, the soft-shell clam (Mya arenaria). Acclimated organisms were exposed in static systems to a series of concentrations of suspended sediment from each station, to fuller's earth in suspension, and in control tanks for 48 hours. Parallel analysis of the sediment was performed for the metals, Pb, Cr, Zn, Ca, As, for PCB's and for hexane extracts. The sediments were all substantially polluted with low correlations among components. Twenty-four hour TLm and 48-hour TLm increased proportionately with sediment concentration but display species specificity. The relationships observed permit use of mummichog data to index gross toxicity of sediments throughout the harbor. Further comparison of mummichog 24-hour TLm value with benthie species diversity determined in a previous study permitted zoning of the entire harbor into highly toxic, moderately toxic, low toxic and slightly toxic zones. Gross toxicity of sediments determined by bioassay can therefore be used as an index of the suitability of the sediments for benthic macroinvertebrate communities.

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