Extractive bioconversion of geraniol by a Vitis vinifera cell suspension employing a two-phase system

Among the problems associated with the bioconversion of monoterpenes by plant cell suspensions are the toxicity of some substrates and/or products at low concentrations, the transient state of nascent products and the length of time required to obtain the cell suspension. We investigated the extractive bioconversion of geraniol by a Vitis vinifera c.v. Muscat de Frontignan cell suspension in a two-phase system consisting of an aqueous nutrient phase surmounted by a lipid (Miglyol 812) phase. This system proved to be advantageous as it allowed a five-fold increase in the substrate load without causing any detrimental effect on the cell suspension, it improved the persistence of nascent products and it permitted the recycling or re-use of the cell suspension in a monoterpene bioconversion process.