Limb skeletal variation in the Jemez Mountains salamander, Plethodon neomexicanus

We examine limb skeletal variability in Plethodon neomexicanus, a geographically isolated species of plethodontid salamander endemic to the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico, U.S.A. Data are derived from a series of 25 specimens prepared as whole mounts stained for bone and cartilage. Only 25% of hind limbs display the derived hind limb phalangeal formula 1-2-3-3-1, once considered characteristic of this species; two hind limb and one forelimb phalangeal formulae are reported for the first time. In addition, there are six variant carpal and tarsal patterns as well as the two predominant, primitive mesopodial patterns that are typical of most other species of Plethodon as well as of many other plethodontid genera. Limb skeletal variability in P. neomexicanus is among the highest recorded for urodeles and may represent an ancient and widespread polymorphism in the genus Plethodon.