Characterization and cross-reactivity of rabbit antisera to plaque toxins

The effects of heat labile, high molecular weight water-soluble toxins from bacterial plaque on HL60 promyelocytic cells were examined. On gel filtration, four inhibitors of HL60 cell growth and two inhibitors of HeLa cell growth (PT1, PT2) were detected. The first and third HL60 cell inhibitors corresponded to the two HeLa cell inhibitors. The last eluted HL60 cell inhibitor (plaque leukotoxin, PL) did not inhibit HeLa cell growth. Anti-PT2 antibodies reduced the activity of enriched PT2 by 20-50%, but all other antisera tested exhibited no effect. Anti-PL antibodies detected antigens from Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, although anti-A. actinomycetemcomitans and anti-Capnocytophaga sputigena antibodies did not react with plaque extract. These findings suggest that the plaque toxins examined in this study were probably not derived from these two bacteria.