Mac387: its non-specificity as a tumour marker or marker of histiocytes

A commercially available monoclonal antibody which detects histiocytes in paraffin sections, Mac387, was reacted with 148 soft tissue sarcomas, 29 carcinomas and 10 malignant melanomas. The soft tissue sarcomas had been previously immunophenotyped. All categories of sarcomas, with the exception of angiosarcomas, were positive. Most showed staining in less than 50% of the tumour cells. Six of 10 adenocarcinomas and three of nine basal cell carcinomas were positive, while squamous carcinomas and malignant melanomas were negative. Normal squamous mucosa and epidermis were also positive. The results of this study suggest that Mac387 is of little value in the differential diagnosis of soft tissue tumours, nor is it a specific histiocytic marker.