Muscular fibrosis induced after pig skin irradiation with single doses of 192lr γ-rays

Localized irradiation of the skin and subcutaneous tissues with large single doses of gamma-rays can induce delayed effects characterized by fibrosis which invades the irradiated tissues. In this study the depth of penetration of muscle fibrosis was measured in the pig 30 weeks after irradiation of the skin surface with single doses of 192Ir gamma-rays of 16-256 Gy. Irradiation was directed either to the outer side of the thigh or to the back, close to the mid-dorsal line. Fibrosis only developed in irradiated muscle after doses that induced moist desquamation of the skin in the acute phase of the reaction, i.e. after skin surface doses of 48-64 Gy. In skeletal muscles, the limit of fibrotic expansion was reached at a depth dose of 14 +/- 4 Gy (+/- SD) for skin surface doses exceeding 48 Gy.