Dehybridizaton of the4fshell in Si-substituted CeRh3B2

The compound CeRh3 B2 is known to order magnetically with an unusually high Curie temperature (TC) of 115 K and a low saturation moment of about 0.4μB. We have studied the magnetic behavior of the system CeRh3(B1xSix)2(0x0.5). It is observed that on partial replacement of B by Si an anisotropic lattice expansion takes place and the magnetic moment per Ce ion increases to more than 0.8μB but at the same time TC shows a remarkable decrease by an order of magnitude to 16 K for CeRh3BSi. These results suggest that the anomalous behavior of CeRh3 B2 arises because of the Ce 4f hybridization with the neighboring ligands.