Mucosal capillary thrombi in rectal biopsies

We studied the initial rectal biopsy from 46 patients in whom subsequent follow-up established the diagnosis of either self-limited colitis or inflammatory bowel disease. An additional 12 non-inflamed rectal biopsies were also studied. There was between 2 and 8 years of follow-up in each of these cases. Staining for fibrin (MSB, fibrinogen), platelets (factor XIIIA, Y2/51), and capillary basement membrane (reticulin, collagen 4) was performed to identify thrombotic material within capillaries. Mucosal capillary thrombi were best identified by staining for factor XIIIA; thrombi were observed in 8/13 cases of ulcerative colitis, 4/10 cases of Crohn's disease, 1/3 cases of unspecified inflammatory bowel disease and 5/20 cases of self-limited colitis. The presence of capillary thrombi was not related to the severity of inflammation, but none of the control biopsies showed capillary thrombi. Their presence seems of little diagnostic value in distinguishing inflammatory bowel disease from self-limited colitis. The pathogenetic significance of these mucosal capillary thrombi is uncertain.