Vortex structure in superconductors with a many-component order parameter

The phenomenological theory of superconductors with a many-component order parameter (OP) is developed. On the basis of a generalized Ginzburg-Landau functional, equations for a two-component-OP superconductor are derived. It is shown that such a superconductor is specified by three length dimensionality parameters—penetration depth λ, correlation length ζ, and width d of the boundary between two superconducting-phase domains. With λ ≫ d ≫ ζ, the equations for the OP of a superconductor in a magnetic field can be explored analytically. The transition from the superconducting to the mixed phase may occur not only by the formation of ordinary Abrikosov vortices, but also owing to vortices that have two cores, each transferring a half-integral flux quantum. The total flux transferred by a vortex certainly constitutes an integral quantum. The cores of such a dimer are interconnected by two domain walls, which exercise confinement within the dimer. The distance between the cores in the dimer is of the order of d. Within a domain wall that separates two superconducting-phase domains, a dimer may fall apart into two vortices with a half-integral flux quantum. For many-component-OP superconductors in a magnetic field, vortex structures of a more complicated nature than a dimer may occur. An individual core may transfer a fractional flux quantum, but the structure as a whole transfers an integral flux quantum. Confinement of individual cores occurs owing to a complicated system of domain walls determined by the topological charges of these vortices. Under certain conditions, on attaining field H c1, vortices may arise first in the domain walls, carrying a fractional flux quantum, and then within the superconducting domains.