Testicular Cancer in Children

Management of testis cancer in children differs from that in adults due to the histological types and varying tolerances to chemotherapy agents. Embryonal adrenocarcinoma (endodermal sinus tumor, Teilum's tumor) is a tumor of infancy and young children and less aggressive than other testis cancers. Most cases require only orchiectomy for cure. Embryonal carcinoma is seen in older children and is managed by orchiectomy, regional node dissection, and chemotherapy according to stage. Teratocarcinoma is seen in older age groups. In the young children, as rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma are often present. Intensive multidisciplinary treatment is required in management. Paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma arising in the distalcord requires pelvic and retroperitoneal node dissection in addition to orchiectomy. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy help to produce high cure rates in these tumors. Details of the treatment of these histological types and results of treatment will be presented.