Mechanism and evolution of protein dimerization

We have investigated the mechanism and the evolutionary pathway of protein dimerization through analysis of experimental structures of dimers. We propose that the evolution of dimers may have multiple pathways, including (1) formation of a functional dimer directly without going through an ancestor monomer, (2) formation of a stable monomer as an intermediate followed by mutations of its surface residues, and (3), a domain swapping mechanism, replacing one segment in a monomer by an equivalent segment from an identical chain in the dimer. Some of the dimers which are governed by a domain swapping mechanism may have evolved at an earlier stage of evolution via the second mechanism. Here, we follow the theory that the kinetic pathway reflects the evolutionary pathway. We analyze the structure‐kinetics‐evolution relationship for a collection of symmetric homodimers classified into three groups: (1)14 dimers, which were referred to as domain swapping dimers in the literature; (2) nine 2‐state dimers, which have no measurable intermediates in equilibrium denaturation; and (3), eight 3‐state dimers, which have stable intermediates in equilibrium denaturation. The analysis consists of the following stages: (i) The dimer is divided into two structural units, which have twofold symmetry. Each unit contains a contiguous segment from one polypeptide chain of the dimer, and its complementary contiguous segment from the other chain, (ii) The division is repeated progressively, with different combinations of the two segments in each unit. (iii) The coefficient of compactness is calculated for the units in all divisions. The coefficients obtained for different cuttings of a dimer form a compactness profile. The profile probes the structural organization of the two chains in a dimer and the stability of the monomelic state. We describe the features of the compactness profiles in each of the three dimer groups. The profiles identify the swapping segments in domain swapping dimers, and can usually predict whether a dimer has domain swapping. The kinetics of dimerization indicates that some dimers which have been assigned in the literature as domain swapping cases, dimerize through the 2‐state kinetics, rather than through swapping segments of performed monomers. The compactness profiles indicate a wide spectrum in the kinetics of dimerization: dimers having no intermediate stable monomers; dimers having an intermediate with a stable monomer structure; and dimers having an intermediate with a stable structure in part of the monomer. These correspond to the multiple evolutionary pathways for dimer formation. The evolutionary mechanisms proposed here for dimers are applicable to other oligomers as well.
Funding Information
  • Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center
  • Frederick Biomedical Supercomputing Center
  • National Cancer Institute, DHHS (1-CO- 74102)
  • SAIC
  • BSF, Israel (95-00208)
  • Israel Science Foundation
  • Israel Academy of Sciences
  • Rekanati Fund