Efficacy of the laryngeal tube during intermittent positive-pressure ventilation

We studied the efficacy of the laryngeal tube (VBM, Germany) during intermittent positive‐pressure ventilation in 50 patients. After induction of anaesthesia and neuromuscular blockade, a size 4 laryngeal tube was inserted for patients of height 155 cm or greater. After insertion of the laryngeal tube, its pharyngeal and oesophageal balloons were inflated to an intracuff pressure of 60 cmH2O. An Ambu self‐inflating bag was attached to the laryngeal tube and the lungs were ventilated manually at 15 breath.min−1. It was possible to ventilate the lungs at the first attempt in 47 patients (94%). The airway pressure at which air leaked around the laryngeal tube exceeded 18 cmH2O in 41 patients (82%), and was > 30 cmH2O in 25 (50%). Median [interquartile range (range)] leak pressure was 30 [20–30 (6 to > 30)] cmH2O. Median [interquartile range (range)] tidal volume was 587 [533–653 (133–800)] ml or 8.8 [8.2–10.6 (1.9–12.6)] ml.kg−1. We conclude that the laryngeal tube has a potential role in airway management during intermittent positive‐pressure ventilation for anaesthesia or cardiopulmonary resuscitation.