Hematological Changes Associated with Marathon Running

Coulter profiles with differential white cell counts, serum ferritin, and haptoglobin levels were determined in venous blood samples obtained from 90 males (M) and 25 females (F) immediately before and after completion of a competitive marathon (42.2 km) race. In an additional 20 male runners, the same measurements were performed serially during the 24 h following their completion of the race. In the pre-race samples from 90 M and 25 F, hypoferritinemia was present in 4/22 M and 1 F found to be mildly anemic. Neutropenia was detected in 4 M and 3 F and mild thrombocytopenia in 2 M. Haptoglobin levels were normal in all the female runners but reduced (P < 0.0001) whereas in females it decreased from 0.437 ± 0.029 to 0.423 ± 0.036 (P < 0.05). In the post-race samples, anhaptoglobinemia was found in 13/88 M and 4/25 F. In the 20 male runners studied serially for 24 h after the race, the major changes involved a progressive increase in mean plasma volume (17.4% ± 12.2% at 24 h) compared with the pre-race value, a progressive and significant increase in MCH and MCHC probably indicating a loss in red cell water and the gradual reversion of the reactive neutrophilia and thrombocytosis to basal levels.