Landsat TM image maps of the Shirase and Siple Coast ice streams, West Antarctica

Fifteen 1: 250000 and one 1: 1000 000 scale Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image mosaic maps are currently being produced of the West Antarctic ice streams on the Shirase and Siple Coasts. Landsat TM images were acquired between 1984 and 1990 in an area bounded approximately by 78°-82.5°S and 120°- 160° W. Landsat TM bands 2, 3 and 4 were combined to produce a single band, thereby maximizing data content and improving the signal-to-noise ratio. The summed single band was processed with a combination of high- and low-pass filters to remove longitudinal striping and normalize solar elevation-angle effects. The images were mosaicked and transformed to a Lambert conformal conic projection using a cubic-convolution algorithm. The projection transformation was controled with ten weighted geodetic ground-control points and internal image-to-image pass points with annotation of major glaciological features. The image maps are being published in two formats: conventional printed map sheets and on a CD-ROM.