Genital Self-Mutilation

We report a series of 14 patients with 19 self-inflicted genital injuries during a period of 10 years. Of the patients 65% were psychotic and 35% were not psychotic. Repeated attempts at genital self-mutilation occurred in 31% of the cases, mainly in the psychotic group. A history of alcohol and/or drug abuse was present in 55% of the cases. Injuries varied from simple laceration of penile or scrotal skin to actual amputation of the penis or testis. The degree of injury did not differ between the psychotic and nonpsychotic patients. Surgical management and outcome varied according to the severity of the injury, the delay in presentation for treatment, and the degree of alteration in the mental status and behavior. Followup of 9 patients showed good cosmetic results with no immediate or delayed complications related to the injury. The functional results in patients with penile replantation were satisfactory. In 1 patient a urethral stricture developed that was successfully managed endoscopically. Erectile function was difficult to assess because of the marked diversity of sexual behavior in this group.

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