Intracerebral arteriovenous malformations: evaluation with selective MR angiography and venography.

Magnetic resonance (MR) angiography and spin-echo methods were used to evaluate intracerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) in 10 patients. Spin-echo images obtained with flow presaturation demonstrated the nidus of the AVM in all cases, but it was difficult to determine feeding vessels. These vessels were directly visualized with three-dimensional MR angiography; their presence could be indirectly determined by means of selective presaturation of individual vessels, which resulted in a marked decrease in signal within the portion of the AVM supplied by that vessel. Vascular supplies from the internal carotid artery and anterior, middle, or posterior cerebral arteries were detected in all cases, but in three large malformations it was not possible to demonstrate small feeding vessels. MR angiograms were also helpful for further defining the nidus. The combination of MR angiographic and spin-echo methods provides information useful for therapeutic planning not provided by either technique alone.