A case control and family based association study of the neuregulin1 gene and schizophrenia

This core at risk haplotype was defined by five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP8NRG221132, SNP8NRG221533, SNP8NRG241930, SNP8NRG243177, SNP8NRG433E1006) and two microsatellites (478B14-848, 420M91395). The frequency of this haplotype in schizophrenic individuals was higher than in controls; in Icelandic samples the frequency was 15.4 (7.5%; p = 0.000087).4 The first replication using Scottish samples revealed a similar result at 10.2 (5.9%; p = 0.00031).5 Another replication performed by Williams et al with British or Irish samples used one SNP and the two microsatellites of the core at risk haplotype. However, the association was much weaker at 9.5 (7.5%; p = 0.04).7 Yang et al reported other markers located in the middle of NRG1 and associated with schizophrenia, in a Chinese population.8 Another independent analysis using 13 microsatellites found two groups of haplotypes, which were significantly associated with schizophrenia, in a Chinese population.9