Food of Young Pike, Esox Lucius L., and Associated Fishes in Peterson's Ditches, Houghton Lake, Michigan

Stomach contents of 551 young pike (11–152 millimeters in length), 345 small yellow perch, and 431 other fish representing 18 species were examined. All specimens were collected from an area widely used by spawning pike from Houghton Lake, Michigan. Organisms utilized for food by young pike included Entomostraca, insects (chiefly Chironomidae), tadpoles, minnows, darters, and other pike. As pike increased in size they passed through a definite feeding succession of Entomostraca to insects to vertebrates (chiefly fish). Cannibalism occurred, as shown by the fact that 13.3 percent of 354 pike 21 millimeters or more in total length had eaten other pike. Smallest pike found to be cannibals were 21 millimeters long. Competition between young pike and most other species of fish for invertebrate food was evident. The yellow perch was the most important fish predator of young pike. Competition for food, predation, and cannibalism undoubtedly were important factors in the high mortality of young pike in t...