A global energy balance model has been developed which includes an interactive mixed layer ocean, sea ice, and snow and ice cover on the land. A full annual cycle is included and the model provides a close simulation to the variation of surface temperature through the year over land and over ocean as a function of latitude. The present annual variations of sea ice and snow on the ground are also well simulated. The model has been used for a wide range of sensitivity tests which include variations of the solar constant, surface albedos, and the effects of feed-back, or absence of feed-back, in the reponse of the snow and ice cover. Studies have been made of the model’s response to the long term variations in the Earth’s Orbital characteristics such as changes in the perihelion, the obliquity and the eccentricity as well as various combined changes. Independent sensitivity studies of the response of the model to the presence of the large ice sheets in the northern hemisphere have also been carried out. A series of model runs have been performed to study climatic changes around the globe from 160 000 years Β.P. (Before Present) to the present. An examination is made of the impacts of the orbital changes alone, as well as with the feed-back from the large ice sheets.