The effect of skeleton weed competition on the yield of wheat and oats was investigated in seasons when rainfall was plentiful. Nitrogen was found to be the major factor limiting crop yields. In soils with comparable nitrogen-supplying powers, skeleton weed density governed the crop's response to applied nitrogen. Competition between skeleton weed and crop was severe at low nitrogen levels, but minor at the high nitrogen levels achieved either by nitrogen application, or when the crop followed a legume-rich pasture. Competition had its effect early in the crop's growth. Temporary removal of competition, by spraying with plant growth regulating substances (JICPA) at different times, was used to determine when competition was critical, and measure its effects. Skeleton weed reduced nitrogen supply early in the crop's growth, and so depressed yield. An application of 1 lb MCPA per acre in the fallow 54 days before sowing, or 10 days after crop emergence, increased the yield of oats from 710 to 1350 lb grain per acre: a response equal to that from 32 lb nitrogen per acre applied at planting in the same experiment. In each case, the response to spraying at the different times was analogous to the effect of a nitrogen application at these times. Early spraying gave responses in yield; later spraying gave responses in grain nitrogen. The results provide a new estimate of the reduction in crop yield due to skeleton weed.