Does Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release have a Higher Rate of Complications than Open Carpal Tunnel Release?

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reported rate of complications after endoscopic carpal tunnel release by means of an analysis of 54 publications, reporting a total of 9516 endoscopic and 1203 open releases. Endoscopic release was comparable to open release in the rate of irreversible nerve damage (0.3% and 0.2% respectively) but case reports may indicate a small risk of unacceptable complications with endoscopy, such as transection of the median nerve. Reversible nerve problems were more common after endoscopic release. Tendon lesions were extremely rare (0.03%) and the rate of other complications (reflex sympathetic dystrophy, haematoma, wound problems, etc.) was about the same with endoscopic as with open release.