Quantification of integrin subunits on human prostatic cell lines—Comparison of nontumorigenic and tumorigenic lines

BACKGROUND We set out to quantify integrin subunits on the surface of several prostate cell lines, including two nontumorigenic lines, in order to assess their role in tumorigenicity and metastasis. METHODS Flow cytometry was used to estimate the amounts of each subunit by changes in mean fluorescence intensity from control antibody. An in vitro Matrigel (Collaborative Biomedical Products, Bedford, MA) assay was used to determine invasiveness. RESULTS Profiles of each cell line were developed using the change in subunit mean fluorescence intensity normalized to the β1‐subunit. The α4‐subunit is only expressed on nontumorigenic cells. These same cells were unable to invade Matrigel. CONCLUSIONS Comparison of nontumorigenic and cancerous lines suggests that a loss of the α4‐subunit correlates with the acquisition of tumorigenicity and perhaps metastatic potential. The ability to quantify expression of integrin subunits on prostate cell lines allows the determination of regulation by factors responsible for growth, tumorigenicity, and/or metastasis. Prostate 31:1–8, 1997. © 1997 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.